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3 Martin Lane
Mongaup Valley,
This 4.8 acre parcel of land is currently classified as auto sales. It can be used commercially or for residential use. This lot has a brand-new commercial appraisal for $410, 000. The parcel next door, 4 Martin Lane is also Auto Sales and recently sold for $415, 000 and was a smaller lot. That lot is highlighted in yellow. This parcel 3 Martin Lane can be purchased with 28 Martin Lane MLS 6298392. The other property is 35.86 acres and is classified as residential but has a commercial Junk Yard License which is actually a lot for old junk cars. The buyer can either keep that license active or let it expire. This property has a new appraisal for $950, 000. Both appraisals are uploaded onto the MLS. If this property is purchased with 28 Martin Lane the price will be $410, 000.
Presented By: Rhulen Realty Group LLC
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